Thursday, May 28, 2009

what do you do when you have a very.
and i mean VERY irritating group mate; whom EVERYONE HATES, is in your group?
well,for me,i TRY to ignore what bullshit/motherfucking irritating laughter he/she produces.
but at times,i really feel like taking my slipper and stuff it in your fucking irritating mouth.

nabeh,basic stuff also never install.
everyone say your miserable laptop is worth the price of a scrap metal lah.
can you like fucking listen to people and stop.
one more time i see you laugh at a problem our group encounter,
i will not show you face.

its like HELLO?
final year project is to be serious.
its supposed to make you GROW UP & be RESPONDSIBLE
and all you do is LAUGH?!
i mean what the FUCK is wrong with you?
people try to be nice and talk to you,tell you do things.
and what the FUCK you do?
laugh,give fucking EXCUSES say your rotten laptop is motherfucking spolit.

and you say you DID research.
its like people ask you wash toilet,you KIANG go write song.
hello! listen to people instructions can?
not the first time liao.
when i asked for what you've researched.
did you even fucking give me the links?
all you do; or rather say, is you read ler.
UNDERSTOOD,but you needed us to explain to you what YOU had researched about.
what the FUCK is this lor.might as well you sit there and rot better.
still need to waste OUR TIME EXPLAINING to you what YOU'D RESEARCHED.
hello,researcher tell the others what THEY HAVE RESEARCHED and NOT the OTHER WAY ROUND CAN!!

HELLO?its FYP,ain't that important enough for you to go get a new laptop/rent a USABLE one from school?
like knncbb can?
and who joins a cca at year3 and says 'it interests me alot NOW'?
looks like your pathetic mind has YET to grow up.

i hope your dick is like motherfuckingly small due to all that irritating laughter lah.
i hope you will faint from laughing too much and nobody would want to help you coz everyone HATES/DISLIKES you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

who can beat the classics =)

Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea,to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home wait for me
Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i am boredddddddd
i need something new in my lifeeeeeeeeee
that would excite me just like last timeeeeeeeeeee
this boring lifestyle is killing meeeeeeeeeeeee
can,like something interesting happennnnnnnn
i dont knowwwwwwww
maybe someone give me something to doooooooooooo
other than peddddddddd
i want to have a pet cat againnnnnnnnn
i dont want to have no lifeeeeeeeeeeee
sibeh sian larhhhhhhh
i need to go drink againnnnnnnnnnn
and go clubbbbbbbbbb
this is really boringgggggggg
i am a person who cant live without interesting thingsssssssssss
can someone/anybody give me moneyyyyyyyy
so i can travel the worlddddddddddd
so i will not rottttttt
my brain needs something to keep it activeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello all!!!! CHRIPS*

-shoos Mango away-

oops,that was Mango on the laptop AGAIN!

Yesyes,school has started and i know it will be a late entry coz i will be talking abit on FOC 09/10 =)


FOC is great i must say, with only 24 GLs and being able to complete the camp and make it a GOOD one too!! =) good job everyone.
the games were fun,and i went to Shooting Stars AGAIN!!played with the fire hose as usual x)
but!! i didnt get to bring my camera along =(
so no pictures =(
but overall it was ok with a few things along the way.......
here and there...

that's not the important thing.

the important thing is....

*drum roll please.......
YES,it has officially started and with OBC oversee-ing this FYP..
boy oh boy man!!

RANDOM FACT:i sense some disagreement somewhere

i dont know about friends badmouthing each other but i do know work colleagues do =D

okok,so ya,ped started,and it has officially become the biggest bitch of my life.
i was happily drawing my pfd and i didnt notice the time =/
i slpt at 5am today,yes 5am TODAY =.=
it(pfd that is) overtook my usual thoughts,and kinda kicked all the impt ppl of my life to number TWO!!
yes! pfd has taken over my life and my thoughts and my BRAIN T_T
i dun like fyp,i want to go work soon...

On the side note: now i do feel alittle tired,all i need is some breakfast.
but i am having lunch later with lovelove and gf at 12pm =X

omg,i am such a pig when it comes to eating!!
and i need to cut my hair..should i cut it short after leaving it long for so long?


kk,i hear the egg and sauage cooking!!
cya peeps soon.

ohoh!!meet the little black cat,i haven't got a name for him yet.
he is like a minature soft toy-cat =/
basically small in size and VERY VERY active!!

help me think of a name that fits him will you?
such a rascal.

Weiwei where are you??
If you have passed on, i wish to see you over at the Rainbow Bridge in Heaven;where all animals loved end up at..Ok Weiwei?
I miss your morning meows and your princess personality.