Thursday, October 1, 2009

am dissapointed to the max.
you are so different from before.
you keep critising me,is it really that fun??
and why do u say sorry at the end of the day.
but never change.
i duno what to do.
i feel lost.
i need a break.
from life itself.
call me back when the time is right.
for now,i shall be the living dead.
its better this way.

Friday, September 18, 2009

i duno why and i duno how.
i'm feeling really empty right now.
i dun like routines and i nvr like boring paperwork.
but i throw up my own facade.
so that people arnd me wouldn't get affected.
i do silly things,and get my job done.
so i will not show people my serious side and make them do 'stuff'.
i want to be known as the girl who does silly/funny things.
and get the job done.
not the girl who is serious to the core and thinks abt herself only.
and getting the job done.

masks,i wear mine everyday.
and i grow into mine.
untill i duno who and where the real me resides.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

*cricket chrips*

OMG LAH,how long have i not step in here!!
its ROTTING man.

anyway,attachment has since started. and i must say,its quite fun!
from watching tons of video on the 1st day and half the 2nd day.
my neck was as stiff as a (insert stiff object of choice)!

oh ya,its gonna be a wordy skip this if u dun like reading =)

started how to do jobpacks arnd the afternoon of the 2nd day.
paperwork!!tons of paperwork man,like free one.
wei quan was assigned to teach us till the end of the month since he will leave for ns soon.

a jobpack consist of
  1. jobpack checklist
  2. procedures
  3. LOTO
  4. schematics / P&ID
  5. jsa if needed

wahh i tell u arh,so many things to ask for the checklist tons of questions.
ok maybe 3 pages aint that much.
aiya,i lazy talk abt my work,since imma be doing it everyday.

so ANW,the pantry at s2 aint that bad,got coffee water and ALOT OF FOOD!!
just today,after lunch,Andrew; one of the os i think brought a bag of lunchboxes for everyone to eat,no idea where he got it from.there were fruits too,so i took one set.

den the phone rang. its was Lily 3 cubicles down the aisle,asking me whether want to eat bobochacha or not o.O
willmen went to shred some unwanted paper and came back with 6 bowls of bobochacha lah.
den after that,there was some service awards thingy today.and you guessed it.more food!!there were pizzahut pizzas,spicy drumlets,seaweek chicken,prawn frillets,sea cucumber ice jelly,so many things lah.and all the uncles were happily eating inside the room.
wahhh,really scary leh,if everyday like tt.u will see me balloon up lor!

ohoh,hopefully tmr can go outfield see reactor xD
but must collect ppe and boots 1st.Theresa is taking her own sweet time =) but she is a really nice person.
EM has alot of friendly ppl,they are all willing to teach,answer all kinds of questions,get us involved in eating and clearing food xD and of course giving us work/thing to do.
if not i and willmen will simply rot there lah.
oh wells,at least i updated my blog =))
off to bed soon,really tired arh...
BTH... kk,nights ppl!! hope those at cptc dun fall aslp during lectures.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

ok,hello people,i am jst here to tell myself exams are here and its time to study.
ok done =)
UNITOP - 25 aug 09 2pm blk 56-5-1 seat no. 35
PCON - 28 aug 09 2pm blk 56-4-1 seat no. 18

there,u will know where to find me if u want to =)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I wonder what you'll take from me today
Sanity or just my breath away
It's hard to say
Impossible for me to tell
We're always walking on eggshells
Who you're going to be from day to day today

I wish that we could go back
To what we were before
But I don't think that I love you anymore, anymore

Wonder why it is that you don't see
What you've changed since we first met
And how much that is killing me
I know that I will always miss
The butterflies of our first kiss
And how you use to smile so easily

I wish that we could go back
To what we were before
But I don't think that I love you anymore, anymore

It's too hard to keep pretending
It's too hard to ignore
But I don't think that I love you anymore, anymore

I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I never thought that it will come to this
I know we'll never get back
To how we were before
Cuz I know that I don't love you anymore

It's too hard to keep pretending
It's too hard to ignore
But I know that I don't love you anymore, anymore

I'm sorry...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i think somebody had pms while setting the paper for today.

ANYWAY.macs have garlic chill again!! =D
so all you people know what to do yeah?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

what do you do when you have a very.
and i mean VERY irritating group mate; whom EVERYONE HATES, is in your group?
well,for me,i TRY to ignore what bullshit/motherfucking irritating laughter he/she produces.
but at times,i really feel like taking my slipper and stuff it in your fucking irritating mouth.

nabeh,basic stuff also never install.
everyone say your miserable laptop is worth the price of a scrap metal lah.
can you like fucking listen to people and stop.
one more time i see you laugh at a problem our group encounter,
i will not show you face.

its like HELLO?
final year project is to be serious.
its supposed to make you GROW UP & be RESPONDSIBLE
and all you do is LAUGH?!
i mean what the FUCK is wrong with you?
people try to be nice and talk to you,tell you do things.
and what the FUCK you do?
laugh,give fucking EXCUSES say your rotten laptop is motherfucking spolit.

and you say you DID research.
its like people ask you wash toilet,you KIANG go write song.
hello! listen to people instructions can?
not the first time liao.
when i asked for what you've researched.
did you even fucking give me the links?
all you do; or rather say, is you read ler.
UNDERSTOOD,but you needed us to explain to you what YOU had researched about.
what the FUCK is this lor.might as well you sit there and rot better.
still need to waste OUR TIME EXPLAINING to you what YOU'D RESEARCHED.
hello,researcher tell the others what THEY HAVE RESEARCHED and NOT the OTHER WAY ROUND CAN!!

HELLO?its FYP,ain't that important enough for you to go get a new laptop/rent a USABLE one from school?
like knncbb can?
and who joins a cca at year3 and says 'it interests me alot NOW'?
looks like your pathetic mind has YET to grow up.

i hope your dick is like motherfuckingly small due to all that irritating laughter lah.
i hope you will faint from laughing too much and nobody would want to help you coz everyone HATES/DISLIKES you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

who can beat the classics =)

Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea,to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home wait for me
Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i am boredddddddd
i need something new in my lifeeeeeeeeee
that would excite me just like last timeeeeeeeeeee
this boring lifestyle is killing meeeeeeeeeeeee
can,like something interesting happennnnnnnn
i dont knowwwwwwww
maybe someone give me something to doooooooooooo
other than peddddddddd
i want to have a pet cat againnnnnnnnn
i dont want to have no lifeeeeeeeeeeee
sibeh sian larhhhhhhh
i need to go drink againnnnnnnnnnn
and go clubbbbbbbbbb
this is really boringgggggggg
i am a person who cant live without interesting thingsssssssssss
can someone/anybody give me moneyyyyyyyy
so i can travel the worlddddddddddd
so i will not rottttttt
my brain needs something to keep it activeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello all!!!! CHRIPS*

-shoos Mango away-

oops,that was Mango on the laptop AGAIN!

Yesyes,school has started and i know it will be a late entry coz i will be talking abit on FOC 09/10 =)


FOC is great i must say, with only 24 GLs and being able to complete the camp and make it a GOOD one too!! =) good job everyone.
the games were fun,and i went to Shooting Stars AGAIN!!played with the fire hose as usual x)
but!! i didnt get to bring my camera along =(
so no pictures =(
but overall it was ok with a few things along the way.......
here and there...

that's not the important thing.

the important thing is....

*drum roll please.......
YES,it has officially started and with OBC oversee-ing this FYP..
boy oh boy man!!

RANDOM FACT:i sense some disagreement somewhere

i dont know about friends badmouthing each other but i do know work colleagues do =D

okok,so ya,ped started,and it has officially become the biggest bitch of my life.
i was happily drawing my pfd and i didnt notice the time =/
i slpt at 5am today,yes 5am TODAY =.=
it(pfd that is) overtook my usual thoughts,and kinda kicked all the impt ppl of my life to number TWO!!
yes! pfd has taken over my life and my thoughts and my BRAIN T_T
i dun like fyp,i want to go work soon...

On the side note: now i do feel alittle tired,all i need is some breakfast.
but i am having lunch later with lovelove and gf at 12pm =X

omg,i am such a pig when it comes to eating!!
and i need to cut my hair..should i cut it short after leaving it long for so long?


kk,i hear the egg and sauage cooking!!
cya peeps soon.

ohoh!!meet the little black cat,i haven't got a name for him yet.
he is like a minature soft toy-cat =/
basically small in size and VERY VERY active!!

help me think of a name that fits him will you?
such a rascal.

Weiwei where are you??
If you have passed on, i wish to see you over at the Rainbow Bridge in Heaven;where all animals loved end up at..Ok Weiwei?
I miss your morning meows and your princess personality.

Monday, April 13, 2009

hey people,i NEED to complain.
take a look at this.

yes,you can click on it.

tell me,will you WHAT THE FUCK is this?
yes,i cant go to ANY blog even after logging into my own account.
like WTF maximum can!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi people.
guess what i am doing now?

a)watching television.
c)listening to music.
d)reading a book.
f)playing with my fids(feathered kids).
g)smsing my love.

any idea?
no prizes for guessing the correct though. =)

and the answer is.

all the above! xD

haha,i am also waiting for Weiwei. =3
If you have no idea who she is,she's the cat i am using for my blog header =)

she's really sweet,will wag her little bob tail whenever you call her name.
such a smart beauty.
often,i do feel that she is smarter than dogs. =D
she will visit both my neighbour and me every morning and evening.
be it for a good scratch or some treats my mother bought for her x).

oh,and she looks japanese; in car terms that is =)
just like your typical Japanese Bobtail.

so adorable ,am i RIGHT!!

ok then,back to doing my list of things i am currently doing.
and do tag if either one of you peeps have a good book to recommend.

untill next time,meow~

Friday, March 20, 2009

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener.(HAHA!agree.) They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. (ok?) The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
(hahaa,who likes to study!)

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. ( =( )You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

srsly,these tests,u can give the result to ANYONE and they will nod their heads and take the advice.
this is how wonderful technology is, people listen to it more than listen to others.
maybe, just maybe.. =x
EDITED: forgotten the linky
I know alot of people who love to do their shopping online =)
so here's a little article on it.
well,the meeting up part that is =),4139,193975,00.html

bascially,its about the buyer handing money over to the seller while both are standing at opposite sides of the mrt gates.
over the edge you might ask?
i agree too.
But if any of you are stuck in a similar situation.
just say this.
the seller is my friend who i borrowed money from; he/she is just returning it to me
and the [insert item bought over blogshop] is something i lend him/her before; he/she is simply returning to me.
lets see how can they say anything about it =)

no,we are not dealing,we are returning stuffs that were borrowed over the net,so as to say. xD
of course,anyone can op. for postage and let singpost get all the money~ *winks.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey everyone,this blog will be updated NOT untill further notice.
i cant STAND the sight of my blog being dead,so i decided to close it till further notice =)
Peace out =)